Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Swimming at the Y
We went to the Y this morning for some swim time. We met up with a few friends that also belong to the Y (Emily, Beth, Zach, Julee, Connor, Melissa, Ella and Nora). Isaac had a great time swimming in the pool, but especially enjoyed jumping in off the side. He wore his life vest most of the time, but at the end I took it off and he did really well swimming freely. The water was only 2 feet so he could definitely touch. He loves being in the water and we enjoyed some company there--that's always a plus! After an hour and a half he was ready for lunch and it was time to come home.
Isaac is starting the process of potty training and do really well so far. He's been wearing big boy underwear when we're at home and told me a few times that he needs to go. I have been asking him about every 15 minutes if he needs to go and so far we've only had one accident. I need to stop asking/reminding him so frequently and let him tell me more often. I know this will likely lead to "accidents" but I think that's part of the process. He's definitely no where near completion of this process, but I'm excited that he's wanting to start. He's very proud of his Thomas the Train and Elmo underwear.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Happy Birthday, Quincy!
We celebrated Quincy's birthday tonight. She turned 7. Isaac helped make a birthday cake (made out of Iams beef tips:) for her and topped it with a carrot. Isaac calls Quincy "beaner" so you'll hear that reference in the video. Isaac was so happy to celebrate Quincy's birthday, but didn't understand why she wouldn't wear the colorful hat he decorated for her. We made a sign for her instead.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Weekend with Mimi Powell
I've been really bad about updating our blog over the last 2 weeks.
Donavan had an overnight retreat this weekend so my mom graciously agreed to come down from Indiana and hang out with Isaac and me. We had a really fun weekend together. We had some unseasonably chilly weather during her visit so we spent a lot of time indoors reading books, making cupcakes and playing with the dogs. The weather didn't seem to bother Isaac much and we snuck in some time playing on the tennis courts with his soccer ball. We also took a quick walk while Isaac rode his trike. Isaac really enjoys his trike, but he has not gotten the hang of the mechanics of it, yet. It is really helpful to have a handle on it.
We had a delicious brunch at The Grit and enjoyed some time at Barnes and Noble. The service was a little slow at the Grit (which always makes me nervous--trying to occupy a toddler's attention at restaurants), but he was really patient for his pancake. At B & N Isaac found a few new books to add to his library. "Harold and the Purple Crayon", "Frog and Toad" and the original "Curious George" are his favorites.
Isaac has been a little fussy the last few days as I think he's getting a molar. His cheeks have been really red, he's itching his ears a lot and complaining of tooth pain.
Mom and I even snuck in a really cute documentary "Young at Heart" after Isaac went to bed. Isaac loves having visitors at "Ike's house." Isaac was really upset when his Mimi left, and we're glad to have Donavan home!
Barnes and Noble,
Mimi and Poppi Powell
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Christmas Season is Offically Over!
We finally took down the Christmas tree/decor on Tuesday and it was TIME. We were dutiful Catholics and waited until the ephiphany. I was so glad to see the clutter go back into boxes I couldn't focus so sat on the sofa during most of the process--I was totally useless. Isaac called me the fire chief---yep, barking orders while sitting on my bum was my role. Isaac and Donavan managed to get it all put away in less than 2 hours.
Isaac was so happy that the train table could return . It went into hibernation during the Christmas season. You see, we simply do not have room for it all in our apartment. He loves playing with his newest additions to the train set--Christmas gifts from Mimi and Poppi.
Mall of Georgia
Isaac and I went to the Mall of Georgia today with Ella, Nora (Melissa) and Alexis, Isabelle (Mary). We all carpooled in Mary's bus (Suburban) and Isaac was thrilled to be traveling in the same car with his buddies.
The kids had a great time riding on the carousel and train, playing in kiddieland. The highlight of our trip to Mall of Georgia for Isaac was the train ride. Isaac kept screaming that he was riding on Thomas. I reminded him that the green engine is Percy, but he could care less. He can't wait to go back and have Donavan ride the train with him. He was not interested in riding one of the animals on the carousel so just sat on a bench.
As we passed "Picture People" we were lured in by a salesperson. She promised a free 10 X 13 for us to help train a new photographer. This was our first experience in one of these type of studios. Isaac did so well and smiled intently for the camera. Our free photo is a beautiful close-up of Isaac. I was pleased that we weren't pressured to buy and I was impressed that I didn't buy:)
By the time we left to head back to Athens, all of the kids had reached the end of their ropes, but had behaved so well during our outing. We had a wonderful trip out of Athens with some of our friends.
Alexis and Isabelle,
Ella and Nora,
Mall of Georgia,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Year's Day & Pictures from this weekend

Here are some pictures from the last few days.
Donavan went to Orlando with some guy friends for the Georgia Game on New Year's Day so Isaac and I stayed busy by going to the park to play with his new trucks (gift from Mimi and Poppi Yarnall). It's been raining the last couple of days so we've been finding inside activities.
Donavan and Isaac put together the Lincoln Log house (gift from Uncle Brad and Aunt Gina). Isaac's favorite part was tearing the structure down. He's been making cookies out of his play doh by using the roller and mold (from Uncle Phil). The sugar cookies were quite good, but I didn't care for the ginger bread:) He wanted to send some to Uncle Phil, but I convinced him that pictures would last longer than the cookies. He's been really enjoying his new trike (gift from Mimi and Poppi P). As you can see he manages to play with it in the house. Also, the fire truck puzzle has occupied our time (gift from Mimi and Poppi P).
We're glad to be home and Isaac (in particular) missed his pugs during our trip to Indiana. The other day I was getting Isaac ready to go to the park and Quincy brought her leash up to me. Needless to say, she went with. Just call it child favortism--I couldn't manage Isaac and 2 dogs at the park. Honestly, I don't know how all my friends can handle more than one child at the park on most days. Maybe someday I'll learn. Anyway, Isaac has been enjoying playing (aka torturing) the dogs. They are so good with him.
Today after lunch Isaac asked when Santa was coming to bring him his new bed. Donavan and I just stared at each other. As I mentioned in an earlier blog he spent a week earlier in December climbing out of his bed, but we haven't had a "'problem" with that for over 2 weeks. I'm not ready to make the move, so I guess for now the answer is "Santa will come again next December." I'm not sure we all can wait until next December for the toddler bed.
Today after lunch Isaac asked when Santa was coming to bring him his new bed. Donavan and I just stared at each other. As I mentioned in an earlier blog he spent a week earlier in December climbing out of his bed, but we haven't had a "'problem" with that for over 2 weeks. I'm not ready to make the move, so I guess for now the answer is "Santa will come again next December." I'm not sure we all can wait until next December for the toddler bed.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Christmas 2008

We hit the road on Christmas eve for our annual holiday trip to visit family in Indiana. We arrived on Christmas day, after spending Christmas Eve night in a hotel, and had dinner with Mimi and Poppi Yarnall. We spent the next 4 days celebrating Christmas with the Yarnall and Powell families. It was especially nice to have my brother home from Hong Kong for a visit. We ate very well and can definitely tell it's time to get back into the work out routine by the way my pants are fitting today. Our car was packed to the brim (as it always is) with an abundance of gifts. We've been pulling out the gifts one by one since coming home and Isaac loves all of his new goodies. Isaac especially enjoyed spending time with his family and LOVED his 10 month old twin cousins (Ella and Emerson). He was so gentle, kind and shared the toys very well.
Today is boys last day of vacation (Donavan returns to work on Monday, Isaac's preschool resumes on Tuesday). We thought it was time to put away the Christmas decorations. We've been talking with Isaac about this for about 4 days--the fact that the tree has to come down so we can make room for his train table again. He keeps telling us it's okay for the tree to "go away" until next year. I started to take down our mini 3 foot tree and Isaac had a fit. Then, when the larger living room tree starting to come down, he had an absolute breakdown. Tears, tears and more tears. Sometimes I wonder if we involve and communicate with Isaac too much. I know that if we tear down the tree during his nap, he'll still be devastated. At this point there's going to be tears one way or another.
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