Thursday, January 22, 2009

Swimming at the Y

We went to the Y this morning for some swim time. We met up with a few friends that also belong to the Y (Emily, Beth, Zach, Julee, Connor, Melissa, Ella and Nora). Isaac had a great time swimming in the pool, but especially enjoyed jumping in off the side. He wore his life vest most of the time, but at the end I took it off and he did really well swimming freely. The water was only 2 feet so he could definitely touch. He loves being in the water and we enjoyed some company there--that's always a plus! After an hour and a half he was ready for lunch and it was time to come home.

Isaac is starting the process of potty training and do really well so far. He's been wearing big boy underwear when we're at home and told me a few times that he needs to go. I have been asking him about every 15 minutes if he needs to go and so far we've only had one accident. I need to stop asking/reminding him so frequently and let him tell me more often. I know this will likely lead to "accidents" but I think that's part of the process. He's definitely no where near completion of this process, but I'm excited that he's wanting to start. He's very proud of his Thomas the Train and Elmo underwear.

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