Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas Season is Offically Over!

We finally took down the Christmas tree/decor on Tuesday and it was TIME. We were dutiful Catholics and waited until the ephiphany. I was so glad to see the clutter go back into boxes I couldn't focus so sat on the sofa during most of the process--I was totally useless. Isaac called me the fire chief---yep, barking orders while sitting on my bum was my role. Isaac and Donavan managed to get it all put away in less than 2 hours.
Isaac was so happy that the train table could return . It went into hibernation during the Christmas season. You see, we simply do not have room for it all in our apartment. He loves playing with his newest additions to the train set--Christmas gifts from Mimi and Poppi.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Nice hat Chief Rachel!