Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow in Athens

It snowed in Athens on Sunday. Isaac slept most of the afternoon while Donavan and I (mostly me) enjoyed watching the snow fall. In the last 6 1/2 years of living in Georgia this is the first snow fall we've encountered. After nap on Sunday we took a short walk in the snow. Isaac wasn't too sure what to think of the snow. A lot of people have lost power. Ours went off for a period on Sunday evening, but came back on before midnight. Something has happened to our wireless internet router during the outage so I'm working off a "free unsecure site--" probably not the best idea.
Monday morning Isaac did some sledding. Isaac enjoyed the sledding. If you turn up the volume, you'll hear him say "wheeeee." He had a lot of fun until he sled into a puddle of water and got very cold. Then, it was time to come inside. It's warming up quickly so the snow will likely be gone by Tuesday. It is nice to have an extra day at home with Donavan. All schools, most businesses and county offices are all closed today. We probably got a total of 3-4 inches--which is a major snow storm for the southeast.


Mimi Y said...
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Mimi Y said...

This is so cute.
Snow is fun.